Canada - Jamaica Relations

Canada - Jamaica Relations

On this page

  • Bilateral relations
  • Trade relations
  • Development
  • Security
  • Partnerships and organizations
  • Canada-Jamaica fact sheet

Bilateral relations

Canada and Jamaica have shared strong bilateral relations since Jamaica gained independence from the U.k. in 1962. Beyond a deep friendship, Canada and Jamaica benefit from a rich and diverse bilateral relationship, founded on our shared autonomous heritage, mutual values, and stiff people-to-people ties, including a large and vibrant Canadian-Jamaican diaspora customs of over 300,000 people. The strength of Canada and Jamaica's ties is likewise manifested in the education and tourism sectors. Jamaica is Canada's fourth largest source of international students from Latin America and the Caribbean area, and hundreds of thousands of Canadians visit Jamaica each year, representing Jamaica's second largest source of foreign tourists. The Canadian-Jamaican bilateral relationship also encompasses merchandise and investment, security and defence, and evolution cooperation. Additionally, Canadians farms employ nigh 10,000 Jamaicans annually as role of Canada'southward Seasonal Agronomical Workers Programme.

Canada and Jamaica are mostly agreeing partners on the international stage, as both are strongly committed to advancing progressive and democratic values, as well equally a rules-based international order. Our countries work together to co-chair the Group of Friends of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Financing at the Un, an innovative platform to discuss and promote ideas to finance the implementation of the SDGs.

Canada is represented in Jamaica by a High Commission in Kingston and a consulate in Montego Bay. Jamaica is represented in Canada by a High Commission in Ottawa and consulates in Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, and Victoria.

Merchandise relations

Jamaica is Canada's fourth largest merchandise trading partner inside the Caribbean Community.

In 2021, two-manner merchandise trade was valued at $206.2 1000000, with Canadian exports of $136.4 million covering a wide range of goods including meat products, pharmaceutical products, and electrical machinery and equipment. Imports from Jamaica were valued at $69.8 million and consisted mainly of aluminum oxides, prepared foodstuffs, and beverages and spirits. Areas of trade collaboration include make clean technologies and the energy sector.

Related links

  • Merchandise and investment agreements
  • Import / Export controls
  • Doing business in Jamaica


Canada'southward development program is focused on mutual priorities, such as climate and economic resilience, sustainable and inclusive governance, and advancing of gender equality.

Post-obit the 2017 hurricane flavor that devastated the Caribbean, Canada announced the $100 million Pledge for Caribbean Reconstruction and Economic and Climate Resilience to support reconstruction and climate resilience in Jamaica and the region. This included strengthening natural disaster planning and response through organisations such every bit the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency.

At the CARICOM Intersessional Meeting in February 2020, Canada announced an additional, $61.5 meg in new commitments for resilience, technical assistance and education exchanges for the Caribbean. This includes, for example, the Canada-CARICOM Expert Deployment Mechanism, which provides technical assistance to CARICOM governments, including Jamaica, to help diversify and strengthen the economy, build climate resilient communities, and reduce gender and economic inequalities. Canada has likewise supported the Ministry of Finance in addressing climate risks through its primal contribution to the International monetary fund's Caribbean Regional Technical Assist Center, and provided disaster risk insurance coverage for Jamaica over the 2019-2021 period.

During the COVID-19 crisis, Canada redirected programming to respond to Jamaican and Caribbean needs, including to address gender-based violence, income support and essential services, preparation and technical assist for wellness professionals, besides as supplies and protective equipment. Canada has been particularly active in Jamaica and regionally in supporting access to justice, including the connected provision of justice services through the pandemic.

Jamaica besides benefits from the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, and support to Canadian not-governmental organizations. Jamaica and Canada besides collaborate closely in key regional and multilateral fora and institutions, such equally the Caribbean Development Bank.

Related links

  • The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives


Jamaica and Canada accept a long history of close cooperation in the area of defence force and security, including more than 50 years of relations between the Canadian Military machine (CAF) and the Jamaica Defence Strength. The CAF maintains an Operational Support Hub in Jamaica and in the wake of Hurricane Dorian in 2019, the CAF provided air transport for the Jamaican Disaster Help Relief Squad to provide humanitarian aid to The Bahamas. Canada is a key partner for Jamaica in its efforts to fight law-breaking and violence. Our countries collaborate on a number of initiatives in defense force and security under Canada's Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program (ACCBP).

Partnerships and organizations

To develop effective responses to today'due south most pressing global challenges, Canada and Jamaica work closely in multilateral fora, such as:

  • Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
  • The Commonwealth
  • Inter-American Development Banking company (IDB)
  • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
  • International monetary fund (International monetary fund)
  • Organisation of American States (OAS)
  • Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
  • Un (United nations)
  • Globe Depository financial institution (WB)
  • Earth Trade System (WTO)